logo of the comfy engine Comfy


  • Simple and productive API.
  • Immediate mode rendering for sprites, text and shapes with automatic batching. If you want to draw a circle, you call a function draw_circle.
  • 2D lighting with HDR, tonemapping and bloom.
  • Built-in support for z-index, meaning you don't have to worry about the order of your draw calls.
  • egui support built in.
  • Parallel asset loading with support for most image and audio formats.
  • No complex ECS or abstractions to learn. Just build your game and let comfy get out of your way.
  • Simple audio using kira. If you want to play a sound, you call a function play_sound.
  • Simple 2D camera.
  • Particles, both simple API for individual particles & systems with lots of options.
  • Trails with a custom mesh & scrolling texture.
  • Text rendering (currently using egui).
  • Lots of utilities for common tasks.

Design goals & philosophy

  • Heavy focus on ergonomics and productivity.
  • No magic. The code does what it looks like it does.
  • Targeted at simple games, currently only 2D.
  • Opinionated and useful defaults.
  • Simple immediate mode APIs for almost everything.
  • Exposed internals for when you need more. Almost all struct fields are public, comfy doesn't keep things away from its user.
  • Reasonable compile times. Comfy is slower to compile than macroquad, but we want to avoid things getting out of hand. End users are not going to be required to use any proc macros to use comfy.
  • Global variables are nice. Comfy uses a lot of them.
  • Typing less is nice. Comfy has a single context object that gets passed around everywhere.
  • Constraints are nice. Comfy wants to be used for a lot of games, but not all of them.
  • RefCell's are nice. Comfy uses them a lot to work around partial borrows. We tried doing things without them multiple times, it was more painful.


  • AAA 3D support. While it's entirely possible to extend the renderer to handle 3D, this was intentionally not done yet. There is a lot of complexity that comes with 3d models, materials, skeletal animations, etc. Comfy may grow to support simple 3d games in the future, but it is extremely unlikely it'll ever attempt to be competitive with big 3D engines. We want to make sure that the stuff we have works well and is usable before adding lots more complex features.
  • ECS based engine. While comfy does embed hecs and provides some helpers for using it, it is by no means required or even optimal for most cases.
  • Modularity. Comfy is not a modular engine. It's an opinionated toolkit with defaults that make sense for most games. There is no intention of having a plugin system or the ability to replace wgpu with something else.
  • Maximum performance. Comfy is not designed to be the fastest engine out there. There are many tradeoffs made for the sake of ergonomics and ease of use, some of which affect performance. If you're looking for the fastest way to draw a million quads, comfy is not for you. If however you have a legitimate use case where the performance is not good enough, please open an issue. There is a lot of low hanging fruit with respect to performance, but as the development is driven by real world usage, unless something shows up in a profiler in a game, it's unlikely to be optimized further.